Full country name: Union of Burma / Union of Myanmar
Population:50 million
Capital: Yangon (formerly Rangoon)
Area: 671,000 square kilometers (about the size of Texas)
Currency: Kyat (Ky is pronounced 'ch' - 'chat')
Terrain: Central lowlands ringed by steep, rugged highlands
Climate: Tropical, with monsoon (June - September in southwest, December - April in northeast)
Ethnic Groups: Burman 68%, Shan 9%, Karen 7%, Rakhine 4%, Chinese 3%, Indian 2%, Mon 2%
Religions: Buddhist 89%, Christian 4%, Muslim 4%
Literacy: 85%
Behind the scenes
from 2005Internally displaced persons: 1,000,000
Political prisoners: 1,300
Child soldiers: 75,000 (one quarter of the child soldiers in the world)
Burmese refugees in neighbouring countries: Several 100,000
Years under dictatorship: 43
Percentage of government expenditure on the military: Approximately 50%
External enemies: none
Further information
This article was first published in Verge's Summer 2005 issue.
Read more::
Backgrounder: Burma
What's in a Name?: Burma Vs. Myanmar