So you want to take your university studies abroad? Here are some resources to get you started.

University Exchanges

Each university offers its own study abroad opportunities, so be sure to check what's on offer at your school's international office.  For other opportunities, check out the following:

Queen's University International Centre

Provides a list of study abroad opportunities coordinated by Canadian universities but open to applications from students not enrolled at the coordinating institution.  The site also has a range of other great resources for planning, funding, and adapting to a study abroad experience.

McMaster University

Provides listings of university credit programmes abroad, many available to non-Mac students.


Independent Study Abroad Organizations

There are several organizations that can help you to organize your own study abroad experience.  Here are some places to start:

International Studies Abroad (ISA)

Can help you to arrange a university study abroad experience in more than 10 different countries.


Arranges study abroad experiences at universities in Australia and New Zealand.

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