Part one of a two-part online panel discussion.
Vanessa is finding peace in her own way, in her own time.
As Rebecca's time in India draws to a close, she reflects on what made her volunteer abroad experience worthwhile.
Enough time to recognize it's prickly and complex; not enough time to fully understand it. A short-term volunteer sizes up her placement in Rwanda.
Adele once idolized "The Traveller." Now, she find herself questioning her hero's true motives.
After returning home, Taylor reflects on how three years of travel has changed her.
Languages Abroad | Teenagers Abroad offers language immersion programs and holiday packages to top destinations worldwide. 
Since 1949, Raptim Travel has pioneered humanitarian travel, forging the way for humanitarian organizations to deliver care where it’s needed most.
Rebecca reflects on the inspiring people she's met while volunteering in India.
One volunteer shares tips for interacting with Muslim women while volunteering in Tanzania.
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