Zalina Alvi

Zalina Alvi

Zalina grew up in Toronto and began her career in journalism at the York University campus newspaper. Before joining Verge in 2010, she worked for a documentary festival, a non-profit organization and various magazines and newspapers. Zalina has had some eclectic travel experiences, including reporting for a newspaper on the island of Molokai in Hawaii.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011 05:00

Learning from Failure

How great would it be if people - organizations and government bodies, especially - didn't try to cover up all their mistakes and failures?
Tuesday, 26 April 2011 05:00

Making the Most of Your Summer

I know, I know. You meant to apply for that summer abroad programme...
Thursday, 21 April 2011 05:00

10 Movies that Make Me Pack My Bags

If you already suffer from terminally itchy feet, you need to be careful what you expose your impressionable mind to, otherwise you might find your bags packed and a plane ticket in your hand before you know what's what.
Thursday, 14 April 2011 05:00

Famous Gappers

Do you need some encouragement to prove gap year travels aren't just a waste of time undertaken by kids wanting to booze and party before returning to the world of academics?
Wednesday, 30 March 2011 05:00

Doc Shows Microfinance in America

When you think of microfinance, you probably think of women and families in...
If you're worried about the world running out of resources...
Following the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that hit northeast Japan on March 11, 2011, which was followed by a devastating tsunami that could end up claiming more than 10,000 lives, the thought on many people's minds is: how can I help?
If you use Twitter or you happened to check out the news today, you probably heard... 
When you're thinking about studying abroad - for a month, a year or more - there are...
You may have heard that this week (and the first full week of February every year) is International Development Week across Canada. Check out these lists of events and get moving!
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