Blue Ventures: Madagascar Expeditions
Blue Ventures is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to marine conservation, education and sustainable development in tropical coastal communities. Through marine expeditions, volunteers from around the world participate on career breaks, student gap years and internships, working closely with a field research team, in partnership with local communities. Blue Ventures limits the number of volunteers on each expedition to around 14 volunteers per expedition. This ensures that volunteers receive a high standard of scientific training and support, no matter what their backgrounds. Diving certification is included in the programme.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Blue Ventures
Organization Mandate
Blue Ventures is a marine conservation organization dedicated to conservation, education and sustainable development in tropical coastal communities. Volunteers can participate in marine expeditions and work closely with field research teams, in partnership with local communities.
52 Avenue Road, London, United Kingdom, N6 5DR
(44) (0)20 8341 9819
Non-profit organization?
2 weeks - 1 month, 6-12 months
Age (max)
Price range
$1001-$2500, $2501-$5000, >$5000
Application process and requirements
This programme will appeal to volunteers who have a genuine interest in ecology and conservation and who are either experienced divers or have an interest in learning. Contact Blue Ventures to begin the application process.
If participants are not already certified they will receive PADI Open Water certification.
Student status required?
Qualifications required