Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWF): Franz Werfel Fellowship for young university teachers of German language and Austrian literature
Franz Werfel, who was born 1890 in Prague and died 1945 in California, is one of the most famous representatives of Austrian Literature. Therefore the Franz Werfel Grant addresses itself to young university teachers whose work focuses on Austrian Literature. The grant programme, which was initiated in 1992, is open to applicants from all over the world. Recipients of Werfel grants can work as visiting researchers at university departments and carry out specialist studies in libraries, archives or at research institutions.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWF)
Organization Mandate
The Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) creates the best possible framework for enterprises and represents at international levels the interests of Austria as a business location. One of the main objectives is to accelerate structural change by actively supporting research, technology and innovation.
Subject - funding opportunities
Linguistics, Literature
Application deadline
September of each year
Amount of the award
Monthly grant of EUR 1,040 plus book allowance of EUR 93, accident and health insurance, accommodation, recipients of grants from non-European developing countries will also receive a travel costs subsidy of EUR 730 maximum.
Eligibility - nationality
University teachers who are primarily occupied with Austrian literature.
Absolutely essential that prior contact with an educational or research institution in Austria has already been made.
Age limit: 35.
Absolutely essential that prior contact with an educational or research institution in Austria has already been made.
Age limit: 35.