Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWF): Richard Plaschka Fellowship
The grant is named after the Austrian historian, who died in 2001 and who worked at the University of Vienna as a university professor for Eastern European history from 1967 to 1993. In 1981/1982 he was the rector of the University of Vienna. Moreover he was the head of the Austrian East and Southeast Europe Institute from 1958 to 1988. Throughout his life Richard Plaschka committed himself to a cross-border and joint way dealing with the history in the eastern and south-eastern European area. The grant recipients should place emphasis on cross-border collaboration in their scientific activities.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWF)
Organization Mandate
The Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) creates the best possible framework for enterprises and represents at international levels the interests of Austria as a business location. One of the main objectives is to accelerate structural change by actively supporting research, technology and innovation.
Subject - funding opportunities
History, Archaeology, Linguistics and Literature, Arts
Application deadline
September of each year
Amount of the award
Monthly grant of EUR 1,040 plus book allowance of EUR 93, accident and health insurance if necessary, accommodation if necessary, recipients of grants from non-European developing countries will also receive a travel costs subsidy of EUR 730 maximum.
Eligibility - nationality
University lecturers in the field of history (but also related disciplines, e.g. cultural history, archaeology, musicology, provided that they deal with topics that are closely related to history) who are primarily occupied with Austria-related topics.
Absolutely essential that prior contact with an educational or research institution in Austria has already been made.
Absolutely essential that prior contact with an educational or research institution in Austria has already been made.