Brucebo Fine Art Scholarship Foundation of Gotland, Sweden: The William Blair Bruce European Fine Art Travel Scholarship.
The William Blair Bruce Travel Scholarship provides 30.000 SEK (approx. $4,500 CAD) for a European research sejour, to be undertaken within the next year. The tour is based on an approved Fine Art-related investigative project. As a final part of the ‘travel scholarship’ the recipient must visit Visby via Stockholm. While in Visby, she/he will give a public lecture sponsored by the Foundation on the investigative theme pursued during her/his recent European travel.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Brucebo Fine Art Scholarship Foundation of Gotland, Sweden
Organization Mandate
Since 1972, the Brucebo Fine Art Scholarship Foundation of Gotland, Sweden has offered a fine art residency/scholarship to a talented emerging professional Canadian artist providing an inspiring study/work stay in northern Europe on the island of Gotland, located in the Baltic Sea. The Brucebo fine art scholarships hark back to the post-impressionist era in Europe, where two young artists, Caroline Benedicks of Sweden and William Blair Bruce of Hamilton, Canada, met in Paris, married and after many years on the European continent, settled on Gotland Island. With the untimely death of William in 1906 and that of Caroline in 1935, the estate, in the early 70’s, created the Brucebo Fine Art (Scholarship) Foundation, an organization promoting island-based cultural history and fine art. To commemorate the unique Swedish-Canadian link of Caroline’s and William’s marriage and impressive artistry, two annual fine art scholarships for younger, professional Canadian artists were established : The Brucebo Fine Art Summer Residency Scholarship and The William Blair Bruce European Fine Art Travel Scholarship.
Subject - funding opportunities
Fine Arts
Application deadline
January of each year
Amount of the award
Provides 30.000 SEK (approx. $4,500 CAD)
Eligibility - nationality
The Brucebo foundation would like to support emerging and early-mid career artists. Eligible applicants must be Canadian Citizens who have studied fine arts within the last ten years. Self-taught artists with less than ten years of exhibition experience may also apply.