China Scholarship Council (CSC): Canada-China Scholars' Exchange Program
Scholarships are available for studies and research, a combination of studies and language studies or for language studies only.
Listing Details
Organization Name
China Scholarship Council (CSC)
Organization Mandate
The Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program (CCSEP) is based on reciprocal agreements between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People’s Republic of China. Established in 1973, the CCSEP was the result of an undertaking by then Chinese premier Zhou Enlai and Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Canadian scholars have brought new perspectives to their host country and acquired enhanced knowledge and understanding of China.
Application deadline
March of each year
Amount of the award
Tuition fees at participating Chinese institutions; monthly stipend appropriate to the recipient status as students and research scholars; housing; medical insurance; teaching and research materials; meals and accommodation during stopovers in Beijing/Shanghai en route to the final destination.
Eligibility - nationality
Full-time permanent teaching or research staff at a recognized postsecondary education or research institution in Canada; OR student enrolled in either a college, undergraduate or graduate program at a recognized postsecondary education institution in Canada; OR mid-career professional from a Canadian government, media or cultural organization, or national education association, who has a graduate studies (master's or PhD) degree and has managerial, policy development or decision making responsibilities for at least three years with the organization.
Achieved the required level of written and spoken Chinese by the host institution in China, if applicable.
Achieved the required level of written and spoken Chinese by the host institution in China, if applicable.