Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): Edward R. Murrow Press Fellowship
The Edward R. Murrow Press Fellowship seeks to promote the quality of responsible and discerning journalism that exemplified the work of Edward R. Murrow. One CFR resident fellowship is awarded each year to a distinguished foreign correspondent or editor.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Organization Mandate
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher. Each of these functions make CFR an indispensable resource in a complex world.
Subject - funding opportunities
Application deadline
March of each year
Amount of the award
USD 65,000; modest travel grant.
Distinguished credentials in the field of journalism and who have covered international news as a working journalist for print, broadcast, or online media widely available in the USA.
Authorized to work in the United States and who will continue to be authorized for the duration of the fellowship.
Authorized to work in the United States and who will continue to be authorized for the duration of the fellowship.