Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) / German Academic Exchange Service: Study Scholarships for International Graduates in the Field of Performing Arts
These scholarships aim to provide highly qualified students in the field of performing arts with an opportunity to complete a program of additional studies, with or without earning a formal degree, at a German institute of higher education.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) / German Academic Exchange Service
Organization Mandate
The Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) / German Academic Exchange Service is a private, publicly funded, self governing organization of higher education institutions in Germany. DAAD promotes international academic relations and cooperation by offering mobility programs primarily for students and faculty, but also for administrators and others in the higher education realm.
Subject - funding opportunities
Drama, Direction, Musicals, Performance Studies, Dance, Choreography
Application deadline
October of each year
Amount of the award
Monthly stipend of EUR 750. Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding. One-off study allowance. Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance.
US or Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Foreign nationals are eligible if they have been full-time students at an accredited US or Canadian University for more than one year at the time of application.
Taken final examinations no longer than six years before the time of application.
The respective college of music is responsible for deciding age limits for admission, whereby differing rules may be applied depending on the applicant's academic level and chosen subject. However, applicants are not usually admitted if they are older than 28 to 30.
Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of application cannot be considered.
Taken final examinations no longer than six years before the time of application.
The respective college of music is responsible for deciding age limits for admission, whereby differing rules may be applied depending on the applicant's academic level and chosen subject. However, applicants are not usually admitted if they are older than 28 to 30.
Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the time of application cannot be considered.