European Commission: Marie-Curie International Individual Fellowships - Global Fellowships
Individual Fellowships fund experienced researchers looking to enhance their career development and prospects by working abroad. European Fellowships are for two - three years. They fund research or work done outside of Europe.
Listing Details
Organization Name
European Commission
Organization Mandate
The European Commission is the EU's executive body. It represents the interests of the European Union as a whole (not the interests of individual countries).
Subject - funding opportunities
Application deadline
Proposals are submitted in reply to a call for proposals. All open calls and related information such as the Guide for Applicants and full eligibility criteria can be found at the Participant Portal.
Amount of the award
The grant provides an allowance to cover your living, travel and family costs. The grant is awarded to your host organisation, usually a university, research centre or a company in Europe. The research costs and overheads of the host organisation(s) are also supported.
European Fellowships last from one to two years.
European Fellowships last from one to two years.
Eligibility - nationality
Canada or elsewhere
Only experienced researchers can apply. This means you will have your doctoral degree or at least four years’ full-time research experience by the time of the call deadline. All research areas can be funded except those covered by the EURATOM Treaty.
Mobility across borders is a must. Cross-sectoral mobility is also encouraged.
Mobility across borders is a must. Cross-sectoral mobility is also encouraged.