Falmouth University: International Student Scholarships
Through the award of scholarships, they aim to support academic enrichment by encouraging diversity and excellence at Falmouth.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Falmouth University
Organization Mandate
Falmouth University is renowned worldwide for art, design, media, performance and writing. Built on over 100 years of experience, their commitment to international students is well established and as a result, the student community is rich and diverse.
Subject - funding opportunities
Application deadline
Amount of the award
5000 UK pounds
Eligibility - nationality
Non-EU student
To qualify for a Falmouth University international scholarship, you must be liable to pay tuition fees at the international (non EU) rate. You must also have submitted a course application to study at Falmouth University. Scholarships are for the fixed amount stated and will be paid in full upon enrolment on an eligible course commencing that academic year. In all scholarship applications, they will be looking for demonstrated passion for studying your chosen field of creative arts at Falmouth University.