Institute of Science and Technology Austria: IST Austria International PhD Program
The Graduate School of IST Austria allows students to earn a PhD degree. It is open to applicants from all over the world holding either a Bachelor or Master degree (or equivalent). All participants are selected in an annual, institute-wide admissions procedure that assesses their research potential.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Organization Mandate
The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) is a young international institute dedicated to basic research and graduate education in the natural and mathematical sciences, located in Klosterneuburg on the outskirts of Vienna.
Subject - funding opportunities
Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Biology, Other Natural Sciences
Application deadline
January of each year
Amount of the award
All PhD students admitted to the program will be offered employment contracts at IST Austria and will receive an internationally competitive salary with full social security coverage.
Highly qualified students from all disciplines of the natural sciences, mathematics, computer sciences, and any related interdisciplinary areas, who are committed to pursue their scientific career in an international research environment.
Must hold a Master's or Bachelor's degree (or equivalent).
Proficiency in written and oral English.
Must hold a Master's or Bachelor's degree (or equivalent).
Proficiency in written and oral English.