Mente Argentina: Masters Scholarships
Mente Argentina has offered various scholarships for our programs in Buenos Aires. The Mente Argentina Scholarship Program is designed for motivated students who plan to study abroad, however, feel that they need assistance to cover the costs of travel and the program fees.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Mente Argentina
Organization Mandate
Based in Buenos Aires, Mente Argentina is an organization founded to provide international education opportunities and top quality personal support for international students through dynamic, individualized immersion programs. We strive to provide innovative programming that allows students to enjoy Argentina in a unique and different way while, at the same time, facilitating academic achievement and promoting global competence and personal growth.
Subject - funding opportunities
Application deadline
Apply at time of application.
Amount of the award
Partial scholarships up to $2500 US.
Eligibility - nationality
Applicants must: Have submitted a completed application for a Mente Argentina Program; Meet all requirements for the scholarship to which they are applying. In the case that a participant does not meet one or more requirement, the application can still be completed and will be analyzed on a case by case basis; Complete an original essay; Complete the scholarship application fully with supporting documents. Schoalrships are given based on academic merit and financial need.