Society of Women Engineers (SWE): SWE Scholarship Program
The SWE Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to women admitted to accredited baccalaureate or graduate programs, in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology and computer science.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Organization Mandate
For more than six decades, SWE has given women engineers a unique place and voice within the engineering industry. The organization is centered around a passion for members' success and continues to evolve with the challenges and opportunities reflected in today's exciting engineering and technology specialties.
Subject - funding opportunities
Engineering and Computer Science
Application deadline
Confirm variable deadlines in the SWE Schoalrship system
Amount of the award
Scholarships range from $1,000 to $15,000 each and some are renewable
Eligibility - nationality
SWE-approved programs are ABET-approved programs only.