Sons of Norway Foundation: Douglas Warne - Rolf & Wenche Eng Scholarship
The Warne-Eng Scholarship creates an opportunity for qualified applicants to attend educational institutions in Norway and assists with the major costs of tuition, room and board. This scholarship is endowed and funded by Douglas Warne in honor and remembrance of his experiences at the University of Oslo, International Summer School and the friendship and assistance provided by Rotary through the Rolf and Wenche Eng family.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Sons of Norway Foundation
Organization Mandate
The Sons of Norway Foundation is dedicated to funding activities that preserve and promote Norwegian heritage, positively affect members, and make Sons of Norway communities a more vibrant place to live.
Application deadline
April of each year
Amount of the award
USD 3,000
Accepted to study at an accredited, post high school setting in Norway, (including, but not limited to, folk and craft schools, Oslo University International Summer School and other colleges in Norway, music, theatre and technical schools).
Current American or Canadian member of the Sons of Norway or Rotary, as well as child or grandchild or sponsored by a member of either organization as advocate or representative.
Completed one full year of college level work.
Accepted by an educational institution in Norway for undergraduate work.
Original essay per scholarship application guidelines.
Current American or Canadian member of the Sons of Norway or Rotary, as well as child or grandchild or sponsored by a member of either organization as advocate or representative.
Completed one full year of college level work.
Accepted by an educational institution in Norway for undergraduate work.
Original essay per scholarship application guidelines.