University of Auckland: John Hamel MacGregor Awards in Medical Science
Awards have been established by the Trustees of the John Hamel MacGregor Trust to support medical students who wish to pursue a BMedSci or postgraduate research degrees in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at The University of Auckland.
Listing Details
Organization Name
University of Auckland
Organization Mandate
Founded in 1883, Auckland is the country’s largest university with over 40,000 students, nearly 10,000 of whom graduate annually. The main campus is in the heart of Auckland city.
Subject - funding opportunities
Medical Science
Application deadline
November of each year
Amount of the award
Up to four awards of NZ$8,500
Eligibility - nationality
Any. Half of awards give to NZ residents, but other awards may be given to students of any nationality.
The amount of the Award to each student will be determined by the Trustees who will take account of the following factors: (a) the academic potential of the applicant; (b) the academic merits of the research proposal; c) the financial need of the applicant.