University of Glasgow: International Programme Scholarships
The College is offering 6 scholarships worth £10,000 each towards the tuition fee of a one year Masters programme.
Listing Details
Organization Name
University of Glasgow
Organization Mandate
The power of their research places them 12th overall in the UK and 2nd in Scotland. 81% of their research is recognized as internationally excellent.
Subject - funding opportunities
Medicine and Veterinary Science
Application deadline
No separate application required, as applicant is considered for award upon application
Amount of the award
10,000 UK pounds
Eligibility - nationality
These scholarships are open to international students applying to all on-campus programmes listed above within the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences at the University of Glasgow. Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their application for admission. The criteria for the scholarship is as follows: a) demonstrate academic excellence and achieve grades equivalent to UK 1st class Honours b) obtain a degree equivalent to a UK 2.1 Hons or better