Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management: Waterways Centre Masters Research Scholarship (for study ay Lincoln University or University of Canterbury)
This scholarship is offered to support a student engaged in postgraduate research on freshwater management for their Masters thesis. The funding supports research relating to any relevant aspect of water resource management, but must be supervised by a Waterways member.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management
Organization Mandate
The Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management was established in 2009 as a joint partnership between Canterbury and Lincoln Universities. It is the first such centre to be established in any New Zealand university.
Subject - funding opportunities
Freshwater Management
Application deadline
January of each year
Amount of the award
$15,000 (excl GST) plus up to $2000 research expenses, To be paid over 12 months (F/T) or 2 years (P/T)
Eligibility - nationality
Preference will be given to students enrolled full-time in Masters-level thesis research, but consideration will also be given to part-time Master’s thesis students, and/or partial support may be offered for a Postgraduate Diploma dissertation, if a suitable research project is proposed. PhD students are not eligible for this scholarship. Criteria for award of the scholarship include academic performance in year 4 studies, and topic relevance to current Waterways research priorities.