Arab American Institute: 2014 Gabr Fellowship
Position Description
The Gabr Fellowship brings together young professionals from across the Arab world and the United States to meet with world-renowned public figures to explore transnational challenges faced by their societies and to gain an introduction to Middle East and American societies, traditions, politics, business, governance, art, law, media, customs and religions. The Gabr Fellows will develop collaborative action projects to address one or more of the issues discussed relating to art, science, media, law or entrepreneurship.
Roles and Responsibilities
The fellows will travel in Egypt May 10-24 and in the US June 7-21. Fellows will meet with renowned public figures to discuss challenges faced by their societies and the global community today. Leveraging their expertise and the depth of the exchange, Fellows will work together in teams of both American and Egyptian members on collaborative action projects. The action projects address common challenges facing Egyptian and American societies. The projects serve to broaden the impact of the Gabr Fellowship to the Fellows' peers, communities and societies with the goal of sustainable bridge building across both the east and west.
Eligibility Requirements
The Gabr Fellowship seeks emerging leaders and young professionals in the areas of art, science, media, law and both social and business entrepreneurship. Applicants should have big ideas and a strong interest in transnational dialogue. All applicants must be 24 to 35 years of age and must be citizens of the United States or an Arab country. American applicants without prior travel to the Middle East and Arab applicants without prior travel to the United States are strongly encouraged to apply.
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Applications are available online at
Deadline: March 31, 2014
Listing Details
Deadline: March 31, 2014