University academic year

Looking to spend a university year overseas? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge Magazine's Program Search.

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Experiential Learning International (ELI) partners with schools where students will study side by side with students of the host country, integrating into campus life, rather than being separated out into a programme for foreign students. Study abroad pro ...

This programme allows students to elect up to 15 university credits in business and tourism each semester which they will combine with an internship in a Spanish firm to improve your Spanish in a professional as well as an academic setting. The University ...

Every Language, Every Culture, Everywhere. AmeriSpan Study Abroad offers language programs in over 45 countries and over 15 languages worldwide. We have 16 years experience and over 30,000 past participants in our programs. AmeriSpan programs include La ...

Four of the world's top ten universities are located in the UK, a country with a rich history in educational excellence. This year, EducationUK will be representing BPP University College, University of Warwick, St. Mary's University College, Plymouth Uni ...

The New York Film Academy offers intensive, hands-on Filmmaking, Screenwriting, Digital Film Making, Computer Animation, and Acting For Film Programmes. Every film course or acting class at the film school stems from their philosophy of

The Schulich International MBA offers students, Canadian and non-Canadian, the opportunity to have a global vision and international perspective. The twenty-month program, which commences each Fall term, includes: a work term, study abroad term, internati ...

Knowledge Exchange Institutes programmes are distinguished by subject-specific coursework, a large selection of courses in the English language (regardless of host country), internship placement, professional opportunities, extensive cultural excursions i ...

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the largest funding organisation in the world supporting the international exchange of students and scholars. Since it was founded in 1925, more than 1.5 million scholars in Germany and abroad have ...