University semester / trimester

Looking to spend a university semester overseas? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge Magazine's Program Search.

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Escape the Northern Hemisphere winter for an incredible summer 'Downunder'. 2 months set amidst stunning mountain, forest and beach environments. Gain insight into Maori and Aboriginal cultures, historical and contemporary society, discover some of the wo ...

Sea|mester is the premier provider of at sea programs for continuing education and gap year students. Sea|mester offers unique Caribbean and global educational adventures with a range of college accredited courses on seamanship, marine biology, oceanograp ...

The Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain was conceived in recognition of the continuing need and importance of extended study abroad. During this program, students may gain an intelligent perspective on international affairs and a respect for and an u ...

Experiential Learning International (ELI) partners with schools where students will study side by side with students of the host country, integrating into campus life, rather than being separated out into a programme for foreign students. Study abroad pro ...

Your guide to education in New Zealand. Find out what New Zealand and its regions have to offer you, and check the guide to applying, travelling, arriving and settling in. New Zealand's universities include: The University of Otago The University of Waika ...

AustraLearn has study abroad opportunities in Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific at the college/university level. Students may study abroad for a semester or year or earn an entire degree at one of 30 major universities, participate in a study ...

Four of the world's top ten universities are located in the UK, a country with a rich history in educational excellence. This year, EducationUK will be representing BPP University College, University of Warwick, St. Mary's University College, Plymouth Uni ...

The Adriatic Dolphin Project run by the Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation offers student internships that can be used as university credit. Students of biology, environmental science or geography, or a similar subject can contact Bl ...

Canadian students who are currently in full time attendance at a university or college in Canada studying engineering, technical sciences or technologies such as architecture, agriculture and forestry, can be placed abroad through IAESTE Canada. Most jobs ...

Máximo Nivel believes in experiential education as a means to develop skills and understanding; ultimately, transforming international learners and travelers into global citizens and leaders. We are dedicated to providing a successful and supportive learn ...

The SIT Study Abroad Experience: •Rigorous academic programs through a field-based, experiential approach •Undergraduate research through an Independent Study Project or Case Studies •Cultural immersion through fieldwork, intensive language classes, and u ...

Semester at Sea is a global study abroad programme taking students around the globe aboard the MV Explorer each fall and spring semester, and on shorter, regional voyages each summer. The MV Explorer has been equipped as a floating university. The Univers ...

The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) is part of the University of London, and is located in the heart of the capital. SOAS is one of the worlds leading universities for the study of Africa Asia and the Middle East. Students can study a highly ...

Queen Mary has a long history of welcoming students from around the world. Over the years many thousands of international students have graduated from Queen Mary and gone on to pursue successful careers in their chosen fields. Undergraduate and postgradua ...

Offering five short-term study abroad programs for college students who are curious to learn about people, cultures, and environments that are different from their own. Belize is a beautiful tapestry of ecological, cultural, and human diversity located 3 ...

American Institute for Foreign Studies (AIFS) offers undergraduate students the opportunity to study abroad at a foreign university. With programs in Argentina, Australia, Austria, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, England, France, India, Ireland, Italy, ...

The BISC's internationally themed courses combine with field studies throughout England and Europe, introducing students to both academic excellence and exploration of the world. We provide students with an international perspective, a strong grounding in ...

CIS, the Center for International Studies, prepares, provides and packages affordable opportunities and experiences to make students a part of the world and the world a part of them. Their programme locations are carefully selected to ensure that they are ...