Babylon Idiomas: Spanish Courses in Spain and Latin America
Babylon Idiomas offers high quality Spanish Courses in fully accredited language schools in Spain and Latin America. Classes are held by qualified and experienced native teachers and groups consists of no more then 10 students per class. The schools are open all year-round and new courses start every Monday. Cultural and social activities as well as a dedicated student help desk are included in the programme. Accomodation options such as family stay or shared flat are available at an additional cost.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Babylon Idiomas
Organization Mandate
Babylon Idiomas owns and operates four fully accredited schools in Spain and works closely with different partner schools in Argentina and Costa Rica. They offer a wide range of different Spanish courses from group classes to private lessons, culture classes and preparatory courses for D.E.L.E Exams with qualified and experienced native teachers.
Carrer del Bruc 65, Barcelona, Spain, 08009
+34 93 488 1585
Non-profit organization?
2 weeks or less, 2 weeks - 1 month, 1-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, 12 months+
Age (min)
Age (max)
Age notes
Under 18s must be accompanied by a so-called release form of their parents or custodians.
Price range
under $1000, $1001-$2500, $2501-$5000, >$5000
Price incluces
Language classes, Tuition, Tutoring
Application process and requirements
Simply fill out the enrolment form on the website.
For D.E.L.E courses students will receive a Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language.
Student status required?