Learning Programmes International: High School Study Abroad Programmes
A month-long study abroad programme for high school students who want to earn academic credit, as well as a shorter 2-week option.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Learning Programmes International
Organization Mandate
LPI programmes emphasize language acquisition and cultural immersion for students at various levels of proficiency. Students have the opportunity to take classes at an accredited foreign university while living with a host family. This is the high school affiliate of International Studies Abroad.
1640-B E 2nd St, Austin, TX, United States, 78702
Address 2
Suite 201
(1) 800 259-4439
Non-profit organization?
2 weeks or less, 2 weeks - 1 month
Age (min)
Age (max)
Age notes
Varies according to programme.
Price range
$1001-$2500, $2501-$5000
Price incluces
Accommodation, Entrance Fees, Ground Transport, Meals, Tuition
Application process and requirements
The application package should include the following: The application form. Read both sides of the application carefully, including the refund policy, and fill it out. The application form is located in the back of the LPI catalog or can be downloaded from the website. One copy of the applicant's transcript. (Unofficial transcripts are acceptable; however, it must have your name and social security number. Internet transcripts are not acceptable.) A $350 deposit. Please make checks payable to: Learning Programmes International. Four color 1.5" X 1.5" photos. Example: color copy of a photo, or photos from a photo booth. Granada requires 4 professional passport photos. Please write the student's last name on the back of each photo. A letter of recommendation. The letter of recommendation form is located behind the general application in the back of the LPI catalog or can be downloaded it here. LPI prefers this to be written by the current foreign language teacher.
French, Spanish
Course credits from host institution.
Student status required?
Type of student status required
Qualifications required