Study Australia: Study Abroad in Australia and New Zealand
Study Australia, LLC offers courses at 19 highly reputable universities in Australia and New Zealand, Study Australia gives students the opportunity to study courses in their major or take electives in areas of interest to them. Semester, full year, summer and internship programmes are all available.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Study Australia
Organization Mandate
Study Australia, LLC, is the premier full-service study abroad programme for students wishing to acquire a unique academic and cultural experience by living and studying in Australia or New Zealand at one of their 19 partner universities.
PO Box 1004, Notre Dame, Indiana, United States
(1) (800) 585 9658
Non-profit organization?
1-3 months, 6-12 months
Age (max)
Price range
Price incluces
Accommodation, Airport pick-up, Entrance Fees, Meals, Orientation, Tuition
Application process and requirements
Students are encouraged to submit their applications early to secure a place in the programme and to increase their chances of obtaining their #1 university choice. To apply, complete an online application form and submit it to Study Australia.
Credits are awarded from the host university.
Funding information
Financial aid available for those who qualify.
Student status required?