APARE- Association pour la Participation et l
An APARE workcamp brings together the commitment of a team of volunteers and a local council authority with the objective of carrying out a project to preserve and develop features of local heritage and of the environment. The programme runs at various locations across Provence and the Mediterranean regions. At APARE workcamps projects completed include road and landscaping improvements and church and castle preservation and restoration, among others. No particular technical skills are required for participation: motivation and goodwill are sufficient.
Listing Details
APARE- Association pour la Participation et l’Action Regionale
The Association pour la Participation et l'Action Regionale" (APARE) - an association for regional participation and action - is a popular educational youth organization certified by the French ministry for youth and sport and the ministry for regional development and the environment.
25, boulevard Paul Pons, L'Isle sur la Sorgue, France, FR-84800
(33) (0)4 90 85 51 15
2 weeks or less, 2 weeks - 1 month
Youth camps may be available for participants under 18.
under $1000
To apply, complete and submit a registration form, available online.
English, French
French is the main language spoken on site~ and so French language skills are an asset.