ATD Fourth World: Volunteering
Friends of ATD Fourth World volunteer their time and talents, offering all kinds of experience and skills. They are essential for the development of their anti-poverty work in the UK and work closely with the full-time team. There are many opportunities for volunteering within ATD Fourth World, both working directly with families or supporting those who do. Volunteering opportunities vary widely and are tailored according to availability, background, wishes and skills. Part time and full time volunteering opportunities are available.
Listing Details
Organization Name
ATD Fourth World
Organization Mandate
ATD Fourth World is an anti-poverty organization that engages with individuals and institutions to find solutions to eradicate extreme poverty. Working in partnership with people affected by poverty, ATD Fourth World's work focuses on supporting families and changing policies. ATD Fourth World work in 28 countries throughout the developed and developing world.
48 Addington Square, London, United Kingdom, SE5 7LB
(44) (0) 0207 703 3231
Non-profit organization?
2 weeks - 1 month, 6-12 months
Age (min)
Age (max)
Price range
Application process and requirements
Those who wish to volunteer with ATD Fourth World should download the contact form and send it either by e-mail or by post. Volunteers will be contacted for an interview at ATD premises.
Student status required?
Qualifications required