Balkan Sunflowers: Volunteers for Social Reconstruction
Balkan Sunflowers brings volunteers from around the world to work as neighbours and friends in social reconstruction and renewal. By organizing social and cultural activities, they promote understanding, further non-violent conflict transformation, and celebrate the diversity of the lives and cultures of the Balkan region. Projects focus on community programmes, social reconstruction and peace building.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Balkan Sunflowers
Organization Mandate
Balkan Sunflowers is an international grassroots organization that was founded in 1999 to aid Kosovar refugees. BSF volunteers are involved in many different activities and often work with local organizations or locally-managed projects.
Youth, Culture and Sports Hall #114, Prishtina, Kosovo
Address 2
Luan Haradinaj Street
(381) (0)38 246 299
Non-profit organization?
3-6 months, 12 months+
Age (min)
Age (max)
Price range
under $1000, $1001-$2500, $2501-$5000, >$5000
Application process and requirements
After submitting an application, applicants will be contacted as soon as possible regarding confirmation of dates and projects. Participants should understand that food and medical care are not what they are used to. While the programme has accident insurance, this does NOT cover the direct consequences of war; in other words it does NOT cover MINE accidents or other UXO (unexploded ordinance - e.g. cluster bombs). Nor is it a substitute for medical insurance. A minimum contribution is required for projects, however, volunteers are encouraged to contribute more.
Student status required?
Qualifications required