Community programs

Want to volunteer abroad in education, in a community education program? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge magazine's searchable overseas program directory.

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With Australia Volunteers International, volunteers make a hands on difference in the fight against poverty. They can help advocate, develop programmes, monitor and evaluate success of Australian Volunteers International's volunteer programmes worldwide. ...

Allianssi Youth Exchanges offers workcamp opportunities to international volunteers in Finland each year through the Alliance of the European Voluntary Service Organizations. Most applicants are recent high school graduates or university students who want ...

Voluntario Global's balance of working and living in South America make it one of the most unique experiences around. Volunteers are able to enjoy first-hand the exciting Latin culture, learn Spanish and develop important skills for the future. All volunt ...

We recruit volunteers to participate in our sustainable community development projects, conservation, teaching, health care, building and sports projects. Depending on the season and time you travel to Uganda, we always have a list of much needed services ...

Foundation Bolivar Education is a non-profit organization based in Quito and founded in 1995, giving support to different areas where volunteers make a difference through their work and contribution. The foundation's assistance is carefully studied and ta ...

Volunteers for International Partnership (VIP) offers volunteer opportunities for individuals or groups to do international community service in health, social services, environment and education. Work with a rural development project, volunteer in a heal ...

International Relief Friendship Fund (IRFF) has carried out numerous international relief programmes over the years. Projects have included work in the education, medical and development sectors. Youth Volunteer Camps carry out similar projects. Contact t ...

The aim of Rokpa UK is to improve the quality of life of the poorest peoples around the world irrespective of their religion, nationality or cultural background. The majority of Rokpa's projects are aimed at giving children from the poorest backgrounds th ...

The intention of the Zajel Youth Exchange is to provide foreign youth and An-Najah National University students, a venue to create a type of symbiotic relationship that will surpass what other exchange programmes have offered. Zajel focuses on three main ...

Youth Action for Peace (YAP) organizes a great variety of activities to give young people the experience to learn and demonstrate peaceful living together with people from different cultures and to contribute to local community and peace development. Thei ...

GapGuru creates unique gap year programmes for individuals. They provide essential planning and structure to enable participants to make the most of their time out. Volunteer placements may include work with children, conservation work, or placements in j ...

Volunteer Nepal partners with various NGOs to support community leaders and youth workers in community building, rural development and sustainability efforts. Projects are undertaken in the sectors of social work, health services and education and trainin ...

The Power to Be International offers volunteer and field placement opportunities to post-secondary students in various fields of study. Jamaica 2015 Playground and Early Childhood Education Camp Focus: Early Childhood Development, Literacy, B ...

Established in 2005, GIVE International is a Canadian-based charitable trust that supports and implements health, education and child development projects in East Africa. We engage in development initiatives that are reflective of the region's social, eco ...

The Solar Sisters Programme invites volunteers with a commitment to environmental justice and equitable distribution of resources to volunteer their time installing solar panels in remote Nepalese villages. All volunteers are welcome, one only needs the w ...

This programme is for students looking for a unique experience allowing them to discover a new culture, live in a host family, while volunteering in France at non profit organizations. It is also a great way to make new friends, develop interpersonal skil ...

Expeditions place ordinary people alongside scientists who are at the forefront of conservation work. Conservation projects include snow leopard research in the Altai mountains, whale studies on the Azores, chamois, bear & wolf conservation in the Tatra m ...

Much of the work in The Simon Community is carried out by volunteers, who co-ordinate and run Simon's residential and outreach work. Full-time volunteers live in the houses with residents, sharing their mutual strengths and weaknesses and creating a uniqu ...

Go Volunteer Africa coordinates placement of international volunteers who are committed to social development and who seek to learn and contribute by working as part of community initiated projects in developing countries in Africa. Go Volunteer Africa s ...