Literacy programs
Want to volunteer abroad in education, in a literacy program? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge magazine's searchable overseas program directory.
Live and work with local people on life-affirming international service projects. Join a network of service: teach conversational English; care for vulnerable children; paint, build and repair community buildings; or assist with health care. No specialize ...
Combine conservation projects with community development and adventure programmes and make a Gap Year, Career Break or Summer Holiday a Life Changing experience! Placement types include marine conservation, various teaching and community projects. Project ...
Objectives:•Protect and make known the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child through education•Assist the needy child irrespective of tribe, origin, sex or religion, in the domain of social welfare•Protect the child from sexual exploitation, child labo ...
Gap Activity Projects (GAP) is one of the oldest "gap year" organizations, with more than 30 year
AVIF offers volunteer placements in Kenya with volunteers taking part in teaching in local schools and distributing dental products and medicines. Volunteers live with hosts in very remote, rural locations, and will be placed with at least one other volun ...
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