Shark & Marine Research Institute: Volunteer Program
We encourage early career scientists, post grad marine biology students and anyone with a burning passion for ocean conservation to join our research team to get hands on experience in the various research projects we conduct. From our dorsal fin identification project, carried out in collaboration with the University of Stellenbosch, to snorkeling surveys in our local kelp forests - to ethical angling, tagging and release methods to genetic sampling techniques. Get credits towards your degree or diploma (Dependent on approval by your educational institution.)
Listing Details
Shark & Marine Research Institute
Since the Great White Shark population in South Africa is at potential risk of extinction with numbers believed to be around 300-500, our White Shark research focuses primarily on monitoring the numbers of these apex predators in our waters, with the aim of obtaining another population estimate within the next two to three years.
9 Kusweg, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, 7200
Under 18s require permission and indemnity forms to be signed by parents.
under $1000
Accommodation, Airport pick-up, Ground Transport, Meals, Orientation
Applicants can apply via our website please allow 24 hours to process your application.