The Monkey Sanctuary Trust: Volunteer Placements
The Monkey Sanctuary welcomes volunteers throughout the year. The Sanctuary relies upon the help of volunteers for many things and the Sanctuary literally could not function without them. Many people who visit or read about the Sanctuary are interested in learning more about the monkeys and about the people who take care of them. Volunteering at the Sanctuary is the best way of doing this. Placements are for two to four weeks. Volunteers may stay as guests if they are over 18, and are asked to make a voluntary donation to the Monkey Sanctuary Trust.
Listing Details
The Monkey Sanctuary Trust
The Monkey Sanctuary Trust is a UK-based charity dedicated to promoting the welfare, conservation and survival of primates.
The Monkey Sanctuary, Looe, Cornwall, United Kingdom, PL13 1NZ
St Martins
(44) 01503 262 532
2 weeks or less, 2 weeks - 1 month
Accommodation, Meals
Those interested in volunteering should contact the Volunteer Co-ordinator by phone or email for more information or write directly to the Monkey Sanctuary.
Applicants must have a good command of English.