Foreign Affairs & International Trade Canada: Co-op Education Programs
An opportunity for students to gain valuable experience related to their current academic field of study, and helps prepare them for a successful transition from school to the working world. Participants who qualify for a co-op education programme at one of this programme's participating schools should consider this work-abroad programme.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Foreign Affairs & International Trade Canada
Organization Mandate
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) provides opportunities for young Canadians to travel, learn and work abroad. DFAIT identifies partner countries and negotiates the agreements that make its international youth exchanges possible. They also provide Canadians with information about these programs. Some programmes are managed by foreign embassies, high commissions or consulates in Canada, while others are administered by private-sector Canadian organizations.
125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0G2
(1) 613 944-4000
Non-profit organization?
1-3 months, 6-12 months
Age (min)
Age (max)
Age notes
Varies according to programme.
Price range
under $1000, $2501-$5000
Application process and requirements
Although DFAIT provides the framework under which participants can obtain legal work opportunities in foreign countries, participants must be able to: -Choose the country -Land a job in that country -Apply for a visa -Arrange transportation -Find a place to stay -Cover day-to-day expenses Please note: Some programs offer more help than others. In some cases, other fees may be required. Once participants have determined that they are up for the challenge, and have an idea of the country that they would like to visit, the next step is to contact the Embassy in that country to get an application form. In order to complete the application, they must have: -A valid Canadian passport -A round-trip airline ticket -A reasonable amount of money Canadian citizenship required.
Student status required?