International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD): Circumpolar Young Leaders Programme (CYLP)
The Circumpolar Young Leaders Programme (CYLP) provides Northern youth with training and work experience at leading organizations in Arctic countries.
Listing Details
Organization Name
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Organization Mandate
IISD is a Canadian-based, policy research institute that has a long history of conducting cutting-edge research into sustainable development. They are devoted to the ongoing communication of their findings as they engage decision-makers in business, government, non-government organizations and other sectors.
161 Portage Avenue East, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3B 0Y4
Address 2
6th Floor
(1) 204 958-7700
Non-profit organization?
3-6 months
Age (max)
Age notes
Exceptions may be made to this guideline
Price range
Application process and requirements
Ideal candidates will meet the following criteria: * Participants must be originally from, or living in, the northern regions of the Arctic Council Member Countries * Participants will be 30 years of age and under * Educational level and skills required will depend upon the work assignment and will take into account formal education and experiences. Applications are due in May for the following September.
Student status required?
Qualifications required