Real Gap Experience: Paid Work Abroad
Real Gap Experience can help participants live dreams of a working holiday! A working holiday is the perfect way to experience the world to its fullest. Participants may are not necessarily be looking for work in their field (and that is often not allowed), but simply wish to sustain an occasional work position while living abroad. Previous work placements have included teaching positions, work in the hospitality and tourism industry and recreation and sport jobs. Most programmes include accommodation and meals for the first week after arrival.
Listing Details
Organization Name
Real Gap Experience
Organization Mandate
Real Gap offers 500 projects on 6 continents to help participants make the most of their gap years or career breaks. They offer opportunities in volunteering, community work, conservation, paid work , teaching English, learning a new skill, adventure travel or sports and expeditions
1 Meadow Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, United Kingdom, TN1 2YG
(44) 01892 516164
Non-profit organization?
2 weeks or less, 6-12 months
Age (max)
Price range
under $1000, $1001-$2500, $2501-$5000, >$5000
Price incluces
Accommodation, Meals, Tuition
Application process and requirements
This programme will appeal to those who wish to travel and work at the same time. To apply, complete and online application form, or download and complete a paper copy of the application and submit to Real Gap Experience.
Student status required?
Qualifications required