United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA): Internships
The purpose of the programme is to promote among the participants a better understanding of major problems confronting the world and to give them an insight into how the United Nations attempts to find solutions to these problems. The programme also provides ESCWA with the assistance in the implementation of its programme by availing itself of the services of outstanding young students and professionals in relevant fields, such as agriculture, computer science, demography, economics, energy, engineering, environment, finance, international relations, journalism, mass media, political economy, public administration, sociology, statistics and translation and terminology.
Listing Details
Organization Name
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA)
Organization Mandate
UN-ESCWA promotes economic and social development through regional and subregional cooperation and integration. It serves as the main general economic and social development forum within the United Nations system for the UN-ESCWA region. It formulates and promotes development assistance activities and projects and acts as an executing agency for relevant operational projects.
P.O. Box 11-8575, Riad el-Solh Square, Beirut, Lebanon
(961) 1 981301
Non-profit organization?
1-3 months, 3-6 months
Age (min)
Age (max)
Price range
Application process and requirements
The following criteria are used to determine eligibility for the ESCWA Internship programme: 1. Applicants should be graduate students or holders of a first university degree or their equivalent who intend to study further or to work in a field relevant to the ESCWA work programme. Preference will be given to candidates pursuing a masters level degree. A national institution should sponsor the candidate (i.e. - certify that they are pursuing graduate studies). Academic institutions should certify that the internship is part of their programme study. 2. Applicants normally should not be more than 30 years of age.
Arabic, English, French
Applicants should be fluent in Arabic~ English or French.
Funding information
Positions are unpaid.
Student status required?
Type of student status required
Qualifications required
Undergraduate Degree