United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR): Internship Programme
Each year UNIDIR offers a limited number of unpaid internships. Successful applicants are able to demonstrate a strong interest in disarmament, security, arms control, peace studies or related issues and have an understanding of and experience in research. The applicants may be undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate students or they may have completed their studies. The applicant must have study and/or work experience in one of the following fields: international relations, political science, security studies, international law, economics, physics, nuclear physics, biology, chemistry, bio-chemistry, pharmacology, engineering, education or journalism. Of particular interest are applicants who have a personal interest and experience in more than one of the above fields. UNIDIR is the only autonomous research institute within the United Nations that conducts work on international and regional security issues. Applications are invited for internships in the following areas: - multilateral security dialogue concerning nuclear and biological weapons, - space-based defence initiatives such as the NMD, - economic costs of arms control, - regional security in West Africa, North-East Asia, South and South-East Asia, Europe and the Middle East, - evaluation of arms control agreements and of new military technologies such as developments called "Revolution of Military Affairs", - participatory approaches to evaluating the implementation of humanitarian landmine action, - the removal of small arms and light weapons in conjunction with socio-economic development, - conflict prevention and the prevention of insecurity through confidence-building measures, - national security sector reform, - strengthening the role of regional organizations in treaty implementation, - research assistance for publications at UNIDIR and at the Geneva Forum. In addition to assisting with research at UNIDIR, interns are expected to participate in the daily activities and administration of the Institute. They are also encouraged to take advantage of the learning opportunities offered at the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva, such as through attendance of seminars and briefings.
Listing Details
Organization Name
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
Organization Mandate
The United Nations was founded on the belief that peace and security for all peoples would only be possible through disarmament. Long-term development and security, ensuring food, education, housing and economic infrastructure, is all but impossible in regions torn apart by conflict. The global community often invests again and again in the same conflict area, only to have hard-won progress destroyed by the next conflict. Development efforts are wasted unless these conflicts can be tamed and new ones prevented. Additionally, in unstable regions, arms build-ups increase the likelihood of violence and at the same time drain valuable resources away from desperately needed human development. UNIDIR's research programme attempts to address such problems.
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 10
Address 2
(41) (0)22 917 31 86
Non-profit organization?
1-3 months
Age (max)
Price range
Application process and requirements
Applicants must be: - Able to demonstrate that they have a strong interest in disarmament, security, arms control, peace studies or related issues. - Able to demonstrate that they have an understanding of and experience in research. - Fluent in English or French (a general knowledge of the other language is desirable). - Available for a period of time to be determined during one of the following three periods: January - May (application due 15 October of the previous year) June - September (application due 15 March) October - December (application due 15 July). The selection is based on three criteria: the applicant's introductory letter and curriculum vitae; the applicant's personal interests as expressed in the introductory letter; and the current needs of the Institute.
English, French
Student status required?
Qualifications required