
Want to volunteer abroad in human rights and peace-building projects? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge magazine's searchable overseas program directory.

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Iko Poran is affiliated with a number of NGOs. Through these organizations, Iko Poran offers volunteer programs to cater to benefit the communities they serve. Volunteers have a unique experience of by actively participating in developing communities for ...

Balkan Sunflowers brings volunteers from around the world to work as neighbours and friends in social reconstruction and renewal. By organizing social and cultural activities, they promote understanding, further non-violent conflict transformation, and ce ...

CANADEM connects international agencies to Canadian experts. Established in 1996 with funding from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs to respond to staffing requests from international peace operations, Canada's Civilian Reserve: --Manages a natio ...

The intention of the Zajel Youth Exchange is to provide foreign youth and An-Najah National University students, a venue to create a type of symbiotic relationship that will surpass what other exchange programmes have offered. Zajel focuses on three main ...

The volunteers of Peace Brigades International (PBI) come from many different countries and backgrounds but share a strong commitment to nonviolence and a belief in the contribution that ordinary people can make to creating a more peaceful and just world. ...

COOPI is committed to fighting against social injustice and poverty in the global South and to building a future that guarantees everyone adequate living conditions, equal opportunities and respect of their rights. In order to carry out its development pr ...