International Development
Want to volunteer abroad in international development? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge magazine's searchable overseas program directory.
International Relief Friendship Fund (IRFF) has carried out numerous international relief programmes over the years. Projects have included work in the education, medical and development sectors. Youth Volunteer Camps carry out similar projects. Contact t ...
Looking for an opportunity to share a holiday with a group of people to help a less fortune society? Join a Bangladesh Work Camps Association (BWCA) camp! Work Camp projects include social welfare, rural development, community and organizational developme ...
Visions in Action offers six and twelve month fee-based Classic Volunteer Programs, as well as short-term summer programs, in Mexico, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. The Classic Volunteer Programme supports the work of local NGOs in a wide variety of s ...
Ugunja Community Resource Centre (UCRC) welcomes open-minded, motivated individuals eager to learn from and contribute to small-scale, community-based development initiatives. International placements are available within a range of programs and activitie ...
The volunteers of Peace Brigades International (PBI) come from many different countries and backgrounds but share a strong commitment to nonviolence and a belief in the contribution that ordinary people can make to creating a more peaceful and just world. ...
Mer et Monde est un organisme québécois d'initiation à la coopération internationale implanté au Honduras et au Sénégal. Nous offrons des stages, de groupe et individuels, sur mesure et adaptés aux étudiants ainsi qu'à l'ensemble de la population, active ...
The Volunteer & Language programme is the ideal combination for those who want to immerse themselves in the culture and really get to know the people of the country they are visiting. The programme starts with a language course of 2 to 12 weeks, which is ...
Youth Action for Peace (YAP) organizes a great variety of activities to give young people the experience to learn and demonstrate peaceful living together with people from different cultures and to contribute to local community and peace development. Thei ...
United Planet's unique Volunteer Abroad Quest programme combines volunteering abroad, language learning, cultural activities, learning excursions, and special Cultural Awareness Projects to provide an incredibly fulfilling experience for volunteers and va ...
Combine conservation projects with community development and adventure programmes and make a Gap Year, Career Break or Summer Holiday a Life Changing experience! Placement types include marine conservation, various teaching and community projects. Project ...
Study Tour participants have the unique opportunity of seeing community development in action in Uganda or Tanzania. You will meet with local community members, learn about CPAR
Is volunteering abroad helping or harming the developing world? Is there a way for us to contribute to development while also critiquing it? At Operation Groundswell, we connect with local activists, artists, organizations, farmers and change-makers that ...
Work with indigenous people in community based programs that promote autonomy and quality of life. Some programs include setting up mobile dental clinics to serve children, developing teaching curriculum with teachers in Nicaragua and Nepal. Working on a ...
MADRE sends Voyages with a Vision delegations to the communities of their sister organizations to gain a firsthand understanding of human rights struggles and facilitate an exchange of friendship and support between delegates and women and youth activists ...
Redefine your 9 to 5. Use your skills and experience to help socially-minded startups grow their businesses. These social ventures are reshaping the systems in which they work by applying innovation and passion to their everyday — you can too.
The Fellow ...
GapGuru creates unique gap year programmes for individuals. They provide essential planning and structure to enable participants to make the most of their time out. Volunteer placements may include work with children, conservation work, or placements in j ...
Le Carrefour de solidarité internationale offre plusieurs stages internationaux pour les 19-30 ans désirant s'engager en solidarité internationale. Nos stages de 6 mois au Pérou et en Haiti se font dans des domaines très variés: environnement, nutrition, ...
Looking to participate in a radically green development project? Long Way Home is currently constructing a self sustainable 18-building K-11 school in the Western Highlands of Guatemala.
Using alternative methods and materials, we are empowering the yout ...
AID India's volunteers are integral to its functions, as they are the ones who create the initial groups in the villages and provide the people with the proper training and education in trade and leadership skills. Volunteer placements range from teaching ...
Myanmar is undergoing a period of education reform. Teacher Educators will play a crucial role in VSO’s teacher education project in Myanmar. Based at an Education College, you will support teacher education reforms in Myanmar and build the capacity of lo ...
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