International Development
Want to volunteer abroad in international development? Find the perfect program for you, with Verge magazine's searchable overseas program directory.
GVI project opportunities range from wildlife research projects to care for abandoned street children. Operating across several continents GVI offers a variety of programs with well known organizations such as the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund and South Africa ...
Do you want to work in the development or humanitarian field? Gain valuable work experience while traveling the world, learning about different cultures, and giving back?
if i could... offers niche internships with reputable non-profit organisations base ...
CANADEM connects international agencies to Canadian experts. Established in 1996 with funding from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs to respond to staffing requests from international peace operations, Canada's Civilian Reserve: --Manages a natio ...
Looking to participate in a radically green development project? Long Way Home is currently constructing a self sustainable 18-building K-11 school in the Western Highlands of Guatemala.
Using alternative methods and materials, we are empowering the yout ...
Le Carrefour de solidarité internationale offre plusieurs stages internationaux pour les 19-30 ans désirant s'engager en solidarité internationale. Nos stages de 6 mois au Pérou et en Haiti se font dans des domaines très variés: environnement, nutrition, ...
WUSC is a Canadian non-profit organization working to create a better world for all young people. We bring together a diverse network of students, volunteers, schools, governments, and businesses who share this vision. Together, we foster youth-centered s ...
Established in 2005, GIVE International is a Canadian-based charitable trust that supports and implements health, education and child development projects in East Africa. We engage in development initiatives that are reflective of the region's social, eco ...
Combine conservation projects with community development and adventure programmes and make a Gap Year, Career Break or Summer Holiday a Life Changing experience! Placement types include marine conservation, various teaching and community projects. Project ...
COOPI is committed to fighting against social injustice and poverty in the global South and to building a future that guarantees everyone adequate living conditions, equal opportunities and respect of their rights. In order to carry out its development pr ...
KIDS Worldwide helps to organize placements for international volunteers to get involved in projects for children located in developing countries around the world. These projects are managed by organizations registered in the country in which they work. K ...
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